Brian Irving
Brian Irving leads our Property Law Department.
Brian has vast experience and extensive knowledge in Conveyancing, Mortgages, Consumer Credit Law – as well as Wills and Estates.
Some lawyers cloak themselves in legal language and talk in riddles that no-one can understand. Brian is not one of those lawyers
Whether you have the most difficult legal problem or the simplest, you can expect Brian to explain the problem in a straightforward way and recommend a clear, practical legal solution. He does not believe in making matters more complex than necessary but has the skill to recognise and deal with them when they are.
Brian joined Mackinnon Jacobs Lawyers in 1973.
Areas of Law
- Buying property
- Selling Property
- Subdivision of Land
- Property or Non Sale Transfers
- Wills
- Powers of Attorney
- Probate
- Estate Administration & Advice
Qualifications & Accreditation
- Admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria (1974)
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Jurisprudence
- Law Institute of Victoria
- Peninsula Kingswood Country Gold Club (Past President)
Support Staff
- Louise Stevens